Susie is a qualified Hypnotherapist who trained under the guidance of Valerie Austin using her excellent Advanced Hypnotherapy technique, which has been practiced by Valerie for 30 years all over the world. Therefore Susie is very qualified to deal with all kinds of problems, phobias, illnesses, obsessions and addictions which are controlling your life such as:-Weight gain, Stress, Pain, Anxiety, Fears, Phobias, panic attacks, over eating, under eating, IBS, Depression, Insomnia, Food phobias, Memory problems, Birthing, No Smoking, weight loss, OCD, fear of flying and No confidence. Susie uses past life regression.
Hypnosis has been scientifically proven for over 200 years to be the strongest natural phenomena we have. Hypnosis combined with therapy gives us the tool that can help all aliments and problems both psychological and physical. When used to simply relax, the benefits derived are enormous and prove incredibly effective whatever the illness or anxiety or phobia.
The medical profession is now giving serious recognition to the power of Hypnotherapy in treating a wide range of clinical disorders. The general public has embraced Hypnotherapy as an alternative to traditional medical treatment.
Healing Angel Susie/Hypnotherapy North West London are a tool to assist people improve the quality of their lives through the use of Healing and Hypnotherapy, but also to combine other tools such as meditation and holistic massage for total relaxation and peace of mind.
Therefore to complement the healing, when stress or muscle tension is the main element of the problem, it is very effective to have an Indian Head massage or an Aromatherapy neck, shoulder and back massage to alleviate the stress associated with day to day worries, which cause tension problems, especially in the neck and shoulders. This is often caused by anxiety, stress, worry and the overuse of computers/laptops. This treatment takes 30 mins and complements the healing. The Indian Head massage without oil, includes face, head, neck and shoulders and takes 45 minutes.
For Women onlyThe benefits of massage
Massage is one of the oldest and simplest forms of medical care used to ease pain and anxiety and promote good health and well being.
Gentle massage affects the nervous system through nerve ending in the skin, stimulating the release of endorphin's, the body’s natural ‘feel good’ chemicals to help induce relaxation and a sense of well being, to relieve pain and reduce levels of stress chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline. It helps reverse the damaging effects of stress by slowing heart rate, respiration and metabolism and lowering raised blood pressure.
Stronger massage stimulates blood circulation to improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients to body tissues and helps the lymphatic system to flush away waste products. It eases tense and knotted muscles and stiff joints, improving mobility and flexibility.